
User story

As a user
I want to delete an Out-of-Office
In order to remove past or false OoOs

Use caseUC-410: Delete OoO
Test data

The test data is added automatically when starting the automated test scripts.

The test data can be found in the project at:

  • src/test/resources/testdata/deleteOoOs.json
Expected resultCheck the response of the webservice call.
Actual resultCheck the front-end of the application under test.
Test pass conditions

Verify that the message is correctly deleted in the OoO list.

Scenarios (Cucumber)

#Remove the @ignore-tag(s) of scenarios you want to start testing.

Feature: TS-410: Delete Out-of-Office
  As a user
  I want to delete an Out-of-Office
  In order to remove past or false OoOs

  Scenario: Delete an OoO
    Given user is logged in
    When user is on the OoO list page
    And user deletes the OoO in July
    Then the OoO in July is deleted correctly