Informed consent means you ask your user for permission to collect/store/transmit their data. You should follow the steps below to adhere to the applicable legislation.

1. Inform your user

You must provide your user in a user-friendly way with:

The application informs the users when it has access to other resources of the device, to users’ accounts and to profiles in social networks.

This information:

2. Obtain consent

After informing prior or at installation time, you must obtain their informed consent for the specific purpose you will use their data for. If possible, the app should allow users to make granular choices in allowing data processing, rather than obtaining one single consent.

Consent should be asked for separately from the general terms and conditions and requires affirmative user action (e.g. tap to accept, check box, etc.). It can also easily be withdrawn or amended from within the application conform to each specific use case.

3. Update your purpose(s)

If you plan to process user’s data differently or use new data, you must repeat step 1 and 2 before the processing of the data.


You must give users an easy and user-friendly way of withdrawing their consent (and informing them about what this means) and/or deleting their personal data from your systems.