
This page contains the Kmehrmessages for testing the integration of connector, gateway and the SUT.

Instructions for EVS use

IMPORTANT: This test will use both the old (EVSc) and the new (EVS) version of EVS.

The test will contain the export file with all the MSE transactions for that test.

Before starting the test, this export file should be uploaded using the EVS-action REPLACE and your own test patient, using the EVS version described in the test.

The EVS parameter writeAsIs must be set to false.


After reading the medication scheme, the results can be verified in the SUT.

S14W10: Reading and Writing with Connector and Gateway

Which EVS version that has to be used for this test will depend on the SUT.

If the SUT writes with the Connector, EVS will have to be used.

If the SUT writes with the Gateway, EVSc will have to be used.

If the SUT supports writing with both Gateway and Connector, this test can be performed twice in similar fashion to described above.

When using EVS, upload this EVS export file with EVS-action REPLACE.

When using EVSc, upload this EVS export file with EVS-action REPLACE.


  1. Open the SUT and sync with Vitalink.

Expected Results(Reading)


  1. Make sure that the 'Reading' part of this test is performed first.
  2. Add a dot(.) in the 'instructionforpatient' field of each medication in the medicationscheme and then sync to Vitalink.

Expected Results(Writing)

Verification screenshot