Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


UXUser experience
EHRElectronic Health Record
EHR HMHome medication overview in the Electronic Health Record
EHR AMAdmission medication overview in the Electronic Health Record
CGCare Giver (this This can refer to the person who hierarchically has the access rights to see, change or update a medication scheme. This is not necessarily the prescriber or the pharmacist.)
TRTherapeutic Relationship
ICInformed Consent


Combined overview: if a new Vitalink medication scheme is available for the patient, the medication lines from Vitalink are shown together in one combined overview with the medication lines from the local EHR Home Medication section. The origin of each medication line will be visually indicated as well as changes, additions or stops. Certain medication lines are displayed in a clustered way to clearly show the changes. After manipulation on the combined overview, it is this combined overview that will be uploaded to Vitalink. There are no not two medication schemes (local vs. Vitalink), but one combined overview is shown in one medication scheme module of the EHR.

Abbreviated list: the combined overview of all active medications from the local EHR and Vitalink can be shown in an abbreviated manner by means of the abbreviated list (if there is a Vitalink medication scheme for the patient). The following information is mandatory shown: product name, dosage and posology (with underlying information about the date and remark if relevant). The intention is to show this abbreviated list in relevant places, eg on the dashboard / start page when opening the patient's EMREHR, on the right/left side of the work screen (sumehr, prescription module, ...).

Please note that the wireframes below illustrate only an example of the workflows described on this page.
They do not represent all features of the hospital software, nor all information.
Only key features that are relevant for the Vitalink workflow are visible on the wireframes.




The Home Medication EHR section is in sync with Vitalink.

The Home Medication EHR section is not in sync with Vitalink.

Admission medication.

User action.

User action that caused an error.

Automatic action. No user input required.


Situation / Action


OPTIONAL: Support staff starts preparation of the ambulant visit (eg. for staff meeting or oncology visit of the patient)
Vitalink medication scheme is imported.


The EHR requests the latest version of the Vitalink medication scheme. This action can be done manually by a user action, but is preferably done automatically.

Vitalink responds with the same version that is already present in the EHR Home Medication.

The EHR Home Medication section and Vitalink medication scheme are in sync.

3OPTIONAL: Home medication EHR can be updated in the combined overview during the preparation for the ambulant visit Vx'.
4OPTIONAL: Preparing of ambulant visit stops. The local medication scheme is now version 1'.
5Start ambulant visit.
6End ambulant visit. The caregiver made changes to the Home medication EHR. The Home Medication EHR is now Version 1".

The Home medication EHR version V1'' is exported to Vitalink.

The Vitalink medication scheme now becomes Version 2.


Vitalink sends the updated identification code for each medication (URI's) back to the EHR.

The EHR requests Version 2 of the medication scheme from Vitalink to update the version and URI's in the EHR.


The Home medication EHR is now on Version 2 of the medication scheme.

The Home medication EHR section and Vitalink are in sync.

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  • On this wireframe, the home medication of the local EHR is visible. 
  • It is visible that the system is syncing with Vitalink (upper right corner).
    • This is done automatically, without interference of the healthcare professional.
    • It is important that the automatic sync starts when opening the EHR of the patient (and not only when opening the medication module of the EHR).
    • The healthcare professional should be aware that the system is syncing with Vitalink. Therefore it is recommended to use an icon and/or textual label expressing what the system is doing.
    • The sync can only be done with Vitalink if IC & TR are OK.

  • While syncing, the healthcare professional can do all actions in the medication module of the hospital software (add new medication, re-prescribe, transfer to admission medication, ...).
  • It is possible to validate the active medication list of the local EHR; but preferably this is only done when the Vitalink data are synced with the medication data of the local EHR. 
  • The automatic import and analysis of the information from the Vitalink medication scheme should take a minimum of time. Preferably 4 to 6 seconds or less; with a maximum of 10 seconds.

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  • Here, it is visible that the sync with Vitalink is completed (upper right corner). The healthcare professional can be informed about this by:
    • Using a meaningful icon, combined with another icon expressing a status.
    • Information about the latest validation date of the Vitalink medication scheme (in this case: 29.05. 2019, 19:30).

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  • If the user wants to obtain more information (e.g. validated by, sync info, version number, ...) or wants to do manually a new sync with Vitalink, this information can be provided via a tooltip when moving over this status information. For example: 

Image Added                           Example when the latest validation was done by a general practitioner. 

Image AddedExample when the latest validation was done by a specialist
in an hospital (only the hospital will be visible)

  • When the sync with Vitalink isn't possible, it should be indicated that the sync couldn't be done successfully (status information). 
    • When doing a mouse over, more information about the failure should be provided via a tooltip. 
    • It should be possible to initiate a new sync with Vitalink. 

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  • When there isn't a Vitalink medication scheme for the patient, this should be indicated.

    • It should be possible to create a Vitalink medication scheme for the patient via 1 click.

    • When checking the check box in the example below, the medication list that it validated by the healthcare professional will be uploaded to Vitalink at the end of the contact.
      Image Added

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  • On this wireframe (same as previous screenshot), the combined overview is visible. This means that the home medication of the local EHR is visualized together with the Vitalink medication data. 
    • It is important that the user can see at a glance what is new (added), changed, stopped on Vitalink in comparison with the previous active medication in the local EHR that the healthcare professional has checked with the patient during a previous contact.

  • It is important that there is a visual difference between data from Vitalink vs. data from the local medication scheme of the EHR.
  • In this example, it is visible that new medication was added on Vitalink.
  • It is important that a changed medication, stopped medication, added medication is clearly indicated (here: the label 'new' is used in combination with the Vitalink icon) (cfr. next wireframe).

  • List view vs. scheme view: the healthcare professional should be able to select the preferred view of the active medication list (combined overview).
    • The list view in the wireframe illustrates only an example. It should be adapted towards the needs of the healthcare professionals (extra columns, features, ...).
    • It is very important for healthcare professionals to have an hour scheme visualization. This means that the Vitalink data should be mapped on the hour scheme (link) which will result in an hour medication scheme that the healthcare professional is used to.

  • A 'Sort by' feature should provide sorting on alphabetical order, ATC class, CNK code, medication type (e.g. antibiotics), ... 
    • When using the sort feature, all items will be sorted in this way, each time within the section chronic, acute, if needed.

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  • There should be an action button/link to the print feature of the patient friendly medication scheme.

  • This combined overview should be enriched with features of the software (e.g. check on interactions, edit medication line, prescribe selection of medication, ...).

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Example when the system is still working on the sync with Vitalink. The healthcare professional can already validate (without sending data to Vitalink).

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Example when there is no Vitalink medication scheme for the patient. By default it is indicated that a Vitalink medication scheme will be created when validating the active medication.
The healthcare professional can uncheck this option and continue with only (internal) validating.

  • Since healthcare professionals are always validating the active medication when checking this with the patient, it will work the same in the combined overview: they will have to validate and in the same time, the information will be uploaded to Vitalink
    • By default all medication lines would be selected (check boxes will be checked).
    • When the sync with Vitalink is not yet done, and when the healthcare professional would like to validate already, it is possible to validate & continue. This means that no update to Vitalink is send for this patient.
    • But normally this shouldn't be this case since the sync & analysis of the combined overview should be done in 4 to 6 seconds or less; with a maximum of 10 seconds.

  • When there isn't a Vitalink medication scheme for the patient, this is indicated via status information. 
    • Next, the healthcare professional can validate and create a Vitalink medication scheme at the same time.
    • It should be set by default that if there not no Vitalink medication scheme, a new one will be created when validating the medication. 
    • The healthcare professional can uncheck this option and can continue with only internal validating the active medication. 

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  • Here, it is visible that a new medication line was added on Vitalink. 
    • This medication line is visualized in a combined overview with the medication of the local EHR.
    • This new medication line is highlighted to indicate that this is data coming from outside the EHR.
    • This new medication line receives an icon, indicating the source.
    • This new medication line receives a label (new), indicating if it concerns a new added medication, a change of an existing medication line, a stop of an existing medication line.

  • In this example, it is visible that one medication line has been changed on Vitalink. One medication line has been stopped.
    • These medication lines are visualized in a combined overview with the medication of the local EHR.

  • For the changed medication:
    • This new medication line is highlighted to indicate that this is data coming from outside the EHR.
    • This medication line is visualized closely together with the related medication line(s) that already existed in the local EHR.
      • This can be done based on the unique URI that each medication line has. 
      • This can be done based on the product name, substance name, ...
      • By doing so, it is easier for the healthcare professional to analyse and decide on the medication lines.
    • This new medication line receives an icon, indicating the source.
    • This new medication line receives a label (change), indicating if it concerns a new added medication, a change of an existing medication line, a stop of an existing medication line.
    • The medication line that is changed becomes 'strike through'.

  • It is highly recommended to not use too many colour indications for highlighting data coming outside the EHR.
    • Therefore, only one colour is used to indicated new medication & changed medication lines.
    • Another colour is used for highlighting stopped medication lines.

8. Within the medication scheme, it should be possible to reactivate stopped/changed medication in a fast way (e.g. via drop down menu per medication line; see below).

9. Within the medication scheme, it should be possible to check the history of this medication line (e.g. via drop down menu per medication line; see below).


Variant 1: There is no Home Medication data in the EHR
