Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • In the case a patient is receiving his hospital treatment at home without previous admission into the care of hospital (=no previous stay at the hospital),  the use cases follows the same steps as the ambulant visit.

5. Reduced combined overview

Image AddedExample of a dashboard page, visualizing the active medication of the patient. The system is still working on the sync with Vitalink.

Image Added
Example of a dashboard page, visualizing the combined active medication overview of the patient (Vitalink medication lines + local EHR medication lines).

Image Added
Example of dashboard page, visualizing the admission medication when the patient is hospitalized. 

  • It can be useful to have on the homepage / dashboard page of the patient file of the EHR a reduced / abbreviated list of the active medication.
    • In this way, the healthcare professional can see in a glance, when opening the patient file, some basic information on what medication the patient is taking & what the changes are regarding to the last visit of the patient.

  • This reduced list of active medication should also present to combined overview of the active medication of the EHR & the medication coming from Vitlaink. 
    • The software / user can decide which information is useful to shop in such a reduced combined overview. 
    • It is recommended to display at least the product name, dosage & posology.

  • This reduced combined overview will work in the same way as the complete combined overview.
    • In the wireframe, it is visible that the local active medication is visualized. In the meantime, the system is syncing with Vitalink (automatically).
    • It is clearly indicated that the system is working on the sync with Vitalink.

  • In this example, it is visible that the sync with Vitalink is completed.
  • A reduced combined overview is displayed. 
  • It is visible that on Vitalink one new medication line was added.

  • The healthcare professional should be able to do some actions (manipulations on the medication lines) as from here, or as from the complete combined overview).
    • It should be possible to go to the home medication module of the EHR with one click (e.g. by clicking on the title bar 'home medication').
    • If a sorting mechanism (e.g. on ATC class) is selected in the complete combined overview, the same sorting mechanism is used in this reduced combined overview.

  • When the patient is hospitalized, a 2nd tab or sub navigation 'Admission medication' should appear on the homepage / dashboard page: representing the home medication in a reduced way.

  • When opening the EHR when the patient is hospitalized, this 'Admission medication' tab should be opened by default. 
    • The healthcare professional will be able to navigate to the Admission medication module of the EHR via one click.
    • When in the tab 'Admission medication', no Vitalink indication is visible. 
    • All medication lines coming from Vitalink are validated or rejected or edited by the healthcare professional before transferring the home medication towards the admission medication. 

6. Other use cases

No other use cases have been defined. 


  • In some cases it is not necessary to show the complete (combined) medication scheme.
    • When the CG would like to have a global overview on the patient, the software can show an reduced combined overview of the active medication, e.g. an abbreviated list. This can be used on the homepage of the patient file, on a dashboard page, ...
    • The presentation of an abbreviated list of the active medication on Vitalink combined with the active medication from the local EHR should display at least the product name, dosage & posology.
    • In this way, the care giver has a first overview of any changes to medication since the last visit of the patient.
    • In this reduced combined overview, it is also visible which medication line is coming from Vitalink & which medication line is coming from the local EHR.
    • In addition, additional information must be provided via a tooltip or fold out action (if applicable: start / stop, from, to) and comments (if applicable).
    • The CG can also adjust medication lines in the abbreviated list. The possibility should therefore be offered that the caregiver can perform actions on the reduced list of the combined overview without having to open the complete medication scheme;.

  • Visualize changes in the following way:
    • Newly added medication with respect to the local EHR:
      • Emphasise this with a different background colour so that attention is drawn to it (note: people with colour blindness do see colour shades, so for them it is also visible that there is a difference of colour with the other lines).
      • Display a textual label indicating 'new'.
      • Display an icon, indicating that the related medication line of coming from Vitalink.
    • Change in posology, intake moment, etc:
      • Strike through the medication line that has been replaced (in this way the CG clearly sees what he/she had prescribed and how this was replaced by medication prescribed by another health care provider).
      • Display the relevant medication line from the local EHR and the medication line from Vitalink in a clustered way (in this way the 2 'associated' medication lines are placed underneath each other, making the comparison easier for the CG).
      • By keeping the unique URI once the mapping has been made, the connection between 2 'associated' medication lines can be better and faster verified next time. A 'reference algorithm' can be worked out for this.
    • Removal of prescribed medication:
      • Strike through the medication line that has been removed.

  • The necessary changes (make the deleted medication line active again, change the modified posology to previous posology, etc) can be done by e.g. using a drop down menu or by having a shortcut (buttons / links) on the related medication line.   
    • When the CG does nothing, he/she agrees with the overview of the active medication that he/she sees (deleted medication will disappear, adapted posology will be retained and the previous posology will disappear, etc).
    • At a next opening of the EHR it is shown as a local scheme.

  • Provide the option to display an alert or notification:
    • This can be the case when, for example, 2x same type of medication is displayed but with a different product name. 
      • Make sure that these medication lines are grouped/clustered.
      • Next, provide an alert on these medication lines.
    • This can be the case when there is an incomplete medication line.
      • Make sure that it is pointed out that the medication line isn't complete.
      • Aks, via an alert / notification if the CG can complete the medication line. 
    • An alert or notification can be an icon or textual 
      • Via a tooltip, more information can be provided.
