Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Visualize changes in the following way:
    • Newly added medication with respect to the local EHR:
      • Emphasise this with a different background colour so that attention is drawn to it (note: people with colour blindness do see colour shades, so for them it is also visible that there is a difference of colour with the other lines).
      • Display a textual label indicating 'new'.
      • Display an icon, indicating that the related medication line of coming from Vitalink.
    • Change in posology, intake moment, etc:
      • Strike through the medication line that has been replaced (in this way the CG clearly sees what he/she had prescribed and how this was replaced by medication prescribed by another health care provider).
      • Display the relevant medication line from the local EHR and the medication line from Vitalink in a clustered way (in this way the 2 'associated' medication lines are placed underneath each other, making the comparison easier for the CG).
      • By keeping the unique URI once the mapping has been made, the connection between 2 'associated' medication lines can be better and faster verified next timetime. A 'reference algorithm' can be worked out for this.
    • Removal of prescribed medication:
      • Strike through the medication line that has been removed.

  • The necessary changes (make the deleted medication line active again, change the modified posology to previous posology, etc) can be done by e.g. using a drop down menu or by having a shortcut (buttons / links) on the related medication line.   
    • When the CG does nothing, he/she agrees with the overview of the active medication that he/she sees (deleted medication will disappear, adapted posology will be retained and the previous posology will disappear, etc).
    • At a next opening of the EHR it is shown as a local scheme.

  • Provide the option to display an alert or notification:
    • This can be the case when, for example, 2x same type of medication is displayed but with a different product name. 
      • Make sure that these medication lines are grouped/clustered.
      • Next, provide an alert on these medication lines.
    • This can be the case when there is an incomplete medication line.
      • Make sure that it is pointed out that the medication line isn't complete.
      • Aks, via an alert / notification if the CG can complete the medication line. 
    • An alert or notification can be an icon or textual 
      • Via a tooltip, more information can be provided.


  • In this example, it is visible that the sync with Vitalink is completed.
  • A reduced combined overview is displayed. 
  • It is visible that on Vitalink one new medication line was added.
  • It is visible which medication lines are coming from Vitalink (Vitalink icon).
  • It is visible that 2 medication lines are only available in the local medication scheme.
  • The section about 'If needed' medication is folded in.

  • The healthcare professional should be able to do some actions (manipulations on the medication lines) as from here, or as from the complete combined overview).
    • It should be possible to go to the home medication module of the EHR with one click (e.g. by clicking on the title bar 'home medication').
    • If a sorting mechanism (e.g. on ATC class) is selected in the complete combined overview, the same sorting mechanism is used in this reduced combined overview.



Example when the system is still working on the sync with Vitalink. 

  • In this wireframe, the home medication of the local EHR is visible. 
  • It is visible that the system is syncing with Vitalink (upper right corner).
    • This is done automatically, without interference of the healthcare professional.
    • It is important that the automatic sync starts when opening the EHR of the patient (and not only when opening the medication module of the EHR).
    • The healthcare professional should be aware that the system is syncing with Vitalink. Therefore it is recommended to use an icon and/or textual label expressing what the system is doing.
    • The sync can only be done with Vitalink if IC & circle of trust are OK.

  • While syncing, the healthcare professional can do all actions in the medication module of the hospital software (add new medication, re-prescribe, transfer to admission medication, ...).
  • It is possible to validate the active medication list of the local EHR; but preferably this is only done when the Vitalink data are synced with the medication data of the local EHR. 
  • The automatic import and analysis of the information from the Vitalink medication scheme should take a minimum of time. Preferably 4 to 6 seconds or less; with a maximum of 10 seconds.

Example when the sync with Vitalink is completed. 

  • Here, it is visible that the sync with Vitalinkis completed (upper right corner). The healthcare professional can be informed about this by:
    • Using a meaningful icon, combined with another icon expressing a status.
    • Information about the latest validation date of the Vitalink medication scheme (in this case: 29.05. 2019, 19:30).

  • If the user wants to obtain more information (e.g. validated by, sync info, version number, ...) or wants to do manually a new sync with Vitalink, this information can be provided via a tooltip when moving over this status information. For example: 


 Example when the latest validation was done by a general practitioner. 

Example when the latest validation was done by a specialist 
in an hospital (the hospital + name of the specialist will be visible)

  • When the sync with Vitalink isn't possible, it should be indicated that the sync couldn't be done successfully (status information). 
    • When doing a mouse over, more information about the failure should be provided via a tooltip. 
    • It should be possible to initiate a new sync with Vitalink. 

  • When there isn't a Vitalink medication scheme for the patient, this should be indicated.

    • It should be possible to create a Vitalink medication scheme for the patient via 1 click.

    • When checking the check box in the example below, the medication list that is validated by the healthcare professional will be uploaded to Vitalink at the end of the contact.

  • In the examples above, each time Vitalink is addressed as external source.
  • If Réseau Santé Wallon is addressed as external source, the RSW icon & textual label should be used.

Réseau Santé Wallon

  • If Réseau Santé Bruxellois is addressed as external source, the RSB icon & textual label should be used.

Image RemovedImage Added

Example when the home medication of the EHR is in sync with the Vitalink medication scheme (Basic flow). 

  • When the sync with Vitalink is done, it is visible in the wireframe that there is no difference between the home medication of the local EHR and the medication on Vitalink. 
    • If there would be a difference, the medication lines coming from Vitalink would be highlighted & labeled (cfr. next wireframewireframes)

Variant 1: There is no Home Medication data in the EHR


  • It is important that there is a visual difference between data from Vitalink vs. data from the local medication scheme of the EHR.
  • In this example, it is visible that new medication was added on Vitalink.
  • It is important that a changed medication, stopped medication, added medication is clearly indicated (here: the label 'new' is used in combination with the Vitalink icon) (cfr. next wireframe).

  • List view vs. scheme view: the healthcare professional should be able to select the preferred view of the active medication list (combined overview).
    • The list view in the wireframe illustrates only an example. It should be adapted towards the needs of the healthcare professionals (extra columns, features, ...).
    • It is very important for healthcare professionals to have an hour scheme visualization. This means that the Vitalink data should be mapped on the hour scheme which will result in an hour medication scheme that the healthcare professional is used to.


Example when a nurse, pharmacist assistant or medical secretary opens the medication module of the EHR.

  • Often a nurse, hospital pharmacist assistant or a medical secretary prepares an ambulant visit.
  • This healthcare professional checks for example upfront the active medication of a patient.
  • This type of healthcare professionals have no validation rights related to the active medication, but they indicate in the local EHR that the medication is checked.
    • Therefore they use the action button 'register internal check'. 
    • In this wireframe, this button is active but not highlighted since the Vitalink sync is not yet done.
