Versions Compared


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<date>-<time>_<transactiontype>_<patient>_<actor>_<action>_<input filename>_size-<nr of data entries>MSE transactions>_<output suffix>.<output extension>


<date>-<time>_<transactiontype>_<patient>_<actor>_<action>_<input filename>_size-<nr of data entries>Sumehr transactions>.<output extension>

Export file.expAn export of the contents belonging to transactiontype "Sumehr" of the vault-
Input file.inpThe original input file.The filename does not include the number of data entries in the vault.







 (fout)(fout)The root folder. The name and location can be freely chosen. Keep in mind that paths used in scenarios, patient and actor files are possibly impacted by changes to this!



Everything that defines the behaviour of EVSg, configured as needed by the user.

 (tik)(tik)All the actors that can be used by EVSg.
 (tik)(tik)Settings of the log4j library. Please refer to for more explanation.
 (tik)(tik)All the patients that can be used by EVSg.
 (fout)(fout)The certificates used in the actor configuration files.


The folder were the EVS-exporter will put exported vault contents, see EVSg_3_Manual

(tik)(tik)This folder contains the actions for transactiontype "Medicationscheme"





(tik)(tik)This folder contains the actions for transactiontype "Sumehr"









(fout)(fout)Can be configured through the log4j settings.






The exported files are put in the next folder, with for each monitored patient a subfolder. The subfolder is automatically created when the monitoring for this patient is initially started.

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The files contain the same as the files generated by EVSg in the processed-folder, but the filenames differ. As such, there are different naming conventions for "Medicationscheme" and "Sumehr".

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For EVSg-exporter, each filename of transactiontype "Medicationscheme" exists out of:
MS<transactiontype>_<version>_<patient>_<date>_<time>-<author>_size-<nr of MSE transactions>_<unique code>_<output suffix>.<output extension>



"Version" from the MS transaction.

In case of an empty medicationscheme, the "version" is derived from the getLatestUpdate method.


Name of the patient as defined in the EVSg configuration.


Date of the latest update derived from the MS transaction.


Time of the latest update derived from the MS transaction.

Author"Author" of the latest update, derived from the MS transaction->UpdatedBy as returned by the gateway.
Nr of MSE transactionsThe amount of MSE transactions in the vault.
Unique codeCode making the filename unique in case an export exists already.
Output suffixHard coded, depending on file type. For the validation file, the number of warnings and errors and possible failure are shown.
Output extensionHard coded, depending on file type.

For EVSg-exporter, each filename of transactiontype "Sumehr" exists out of:
<transactiontype>_<version>_<patient>_size-<nr of Sumehr transactions>_<unique code>.<output extension>


"Version" from the MS transaction.

In case of an empty medicationscheme, the "version" is derived from the getLatestUpdate method.

PatientName of the patient as defined in the EVSg configuration.
Nr of Sumehr transactionsThe amount of Sumehr transactions in the vault.
Unique codeCode making the filename unique in case an export exists already.
Output extensionHard coded, depending on file type.

When the export fails, an error file will be generated, which is the same behaviour as for the folder-triggered export action of EVSg.
