Versions Compared


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IMPORTANT: This test can be performed using both the original EVS and the new version: EVSg

Each test that requires an export file will contain export files for both versions.

Any EVS export file mentioned in a test should be uploaded using the EVS-action replace, unless stated otherwise.


R-10: General test of medication scheme information

  1. Upload this EVS export file (EVS) or this EVS export file (EVSg) for your patient with an actor of your choice, let's call this actor ACTOR_B and your patient PATIENT_X.
  2. Log on to the SUT with a different actor, let's call this actor ACTOR_A


  1. Execute test "General test of medication scheme information" and save the patient print somewhere. Let's call this print PRINT_1


    Make sure that ACTOR_B is the author of the medication scheme in PRINT_1, and not ACTOR_A

  2. Remove one of the medication elements from the medication scheme in the vault, by uploading either this EVS file (EVS) with EVS-action removeREF, or by uploading this EVS file (EVSg) with EVS-action removeREF updateschemeREF


    This EVS action must be executed by:

    either a third actor which is different from ACTOR_A and ACTOR_B (PREFERRED)

    - or ACTOR_A (if you don't have an actor other than ACTOR_A and ACTOR_B)

    Let's call the actor who performed the remove action ACTOR_C

  3. Generate the patient print again.  Let's call this print PRINT_2
