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User story

As a user
I want to move messages between boxes
In order to sort them

Use caseUC-405: Move message
Test data

The test data is added automatically when starting the automated test scripts.

The test data can be found in the project at:

  • src/test/resources/testdata/moveMessages.json
Expected resultCheck the response of the webservice call.
Actual resultCheck the front-end of the application under test.
Test pass conditions

Verify that the message is correctly moved to the specified box.

Scenarios (Cucumber)

Code Block
#Remove the @ignore-tag(s) of scenarios you want to start testing.

Feature: TS-405: Move message
  As a user
  I want to move messages between boxes
  In order to sort them

  Scenario: Move a message from inbox to bin inbox
    Given user is logged in
    When user is consulting the INBOX
    And user moves the 'move_: to_ bin_ inbox' message to the BININBOX
    Then the message has been moved correctly to the BININBOX

  Scenario: Move a message from sent box to bin sent box
    Given user is logged in
    When user is consulting the SENTBOX
    And user moves the 'move_: to_ bin_ sent_ box' message to the BINSENTBOX
    Then the message has been moved correctly to the BINSENTBOX

  Scenario: Move a message from bin inbox to inbox
    Given user is logged in
    When user is consulting the BININBOX
    And user moves the 'move_to_sent_box: to inbox' message to the INBOX
    Then the message has been moved correctly to the INBOX

  Scenario: Move a message from bin sent box to sent box
    Given user is logged in
    When user is consulting the BINSENTBOX
    And user moves the 'move_to_inbox_: to sent box' message to the SENTBOX
    Then the message has been moved correctly to the SENTBOX