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Table of Contents


This page contains the Kmehrmessages for testing the correctness and visualization of medication scheme information on the caretaker UI (or print) and patient UI (or print) 

Instructions for EVS use

Any EVS export file mentioned in a test should be uploaded using the EVS-action replace, unless stated otherwise.

The EVS parameter writeAsIs must be set to false.

S04R10: General test of medication scheme information

  1. Upload this EVS export file (EVS) for your patient with an actor of your choice, let's call this actor ACTOR_B and your patient PATIENT_X.
  2. Log on to the SUT with a different actor, let's call this actor ACTOR_A

Expected results


Medication scheme information in patient print header

In the SUT, verify that following fields are displayed in the header of the patient print.

These fields must appear in the header, and for instance not in the footer. The order and position of these fields within the header is out of scope in this test. 

Image Removed


Details of ACTOR_B.

As returned by Vitalink, see M. Concept: Author of the medication scheme


The moment on which ACTOR_B uploaded the EVS file.

The exact date + time is also available in the file name of the EVS Exporter


Details of ACTOR_A.

If the actor is a pharmacist, then also show the details of the pharmacy.

If the actor is a person within an organisation, then also show the details of the organisation.


The moment on which ACTOR_A printed the medication scheme.


print the medication scheme at least one minute after having uploaded the EVS file, so that time of last change and time of print are different and can be verified individually

Patient or Caretaker print

Every application that generates a local medication scheme (not synced with Vitalink) to be shown to the patient, or caretaker, has to perform these tests.



Medication scheme information anywhere else in SUT

If above fields appear anywhere else in the SUT, verify that the values correspond to the ones displayed on the patient print


The footer should contain the following text: Dit is een medicatieschema dat beheerd wordt door uw zorgteam en gedeeld wordt via Vitalink. Meer informatie vindt u op

S04W15: Medication scheme information after local modification

  1. Execute test "General test of medication scheme information" and save the patient print somewhere. Let's call this print PRINT_1
  2. Change the posology of one of the medication scheme elements in the SUT. Save the changes but don't upload the changes to Vitalink
  3. Generate the patient print again.  Let's call this print PRINT_2

Expected results


Only the "Date and hour of print" field should have changed in PRINT_2 when compared to PRINT_1. All other fields in the header should not have changed. Since changes have not been uploaded to Vitalink yet, they should not be reflected in the patient print yet.


Execute test "General test of medication scheme information" and save the patient print somewhere. Let's call this print PRINT_1


Make sure that ACTOR_B is the author of the medication scheme in PRINT_1, and not ACTOR_A

Remove one of the medication elements from the medication scheme in the vault, by uploading either this EVS file (EVSc) with EVS-action removeREF, or by uploading this EVS file (EVS) with EVS-action updateschemeREF



This EVS action must be executed by:

either a third actor which is different from ACTOR_A and ACTOR_B (PREFERRED)

- or ACTOR_A (if you don't have an actor other than ACTOR_A and ACTOR_B)

Let's call the actor who performed the remove action ACTOR_C


Expected results

