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Table of Contents

Used documentation

Cookbook/ materialsVersionLocation
Therapeutic Link Web Service1.5

Identity & Authorization Management (I.AM) Token eXchange Technical specifications1.0
Jira ticket MHEH-12-

serverimec Validation Lab

Jira ticket MHEH-13-
serverimec Validation Lab
Jira ticket MHEH-18-
serverimec Validation Lab
Jira ticket MHEH-20-

serverimec Validation Lab

Jira ticket MHEH-26-

serverimec Validation Lab

Jira ticket MHEH-31-

serverimec Validation Lab

Jira ticket MHEH-32-
serverimec Validation Lab

General information

In the figure below, we present a logical view about the relationship between the three basic services of the ehealth platform that are the WS Consent, the Therapeutic link WS, and the Therapeutic exclusion services. A Therapeutic link can be managed by the following end-users:

  • Health Care Parties (HCHCP) parties: a physician, nurse, dentist, midwife, a pharmacy (it is noteworthy that there is no difference between pharmacy and a pharmacist), authorized organization.
  • Citizen: a patient, a parent of a patient, a mandatary  


  • The "PutTherapeuticLink" method allows an end-user to declare a therapeutic link.
  • The "RevokeTherapeuticLink" method enables an end-user to revoke a therapeutic link.
  • The "GetTherapeuticLink" method allows an end-user to consult the therapeutic links list of a given patient. Indeed, it enables to check the existence of a given therapeutic link between a patient and a HCP.

Th The "GetTherapeuticLink" method allows users to check the existence of therapeutic links between a HC party and a patient. Depending on the input parameters the service can support the following functionalities:

  • check the existence of a specific link between a patient and a HC party;
  • consult the list of therapeutic links related to a patient;
  • consult the list of therapeutic links between given HC party and given patient over a certain time period.

Basic flow


Image Added

Use case ID


Use case name

Consult the therapeutic links of a patient


  • Citizen

  • HC party

Short Description

In order to consult the therapeutic links of a patient using the SOA-based version, it is important to use the Token exchange service in order to convert a JWT message into token into a SAML one (and vice versa). 


1 (High)

Must have: The system must implement this goal/ assumption to be accepted.


  • The user is already logged in via the Token exchange service
  • Information about the request (request identifier, end-user identifier, date and time of the request, the number of the therapeutic links to consult (=<1000))
  • A set of criteria relative to the therapeutic links 
    • SSIN of the concerned patient 
    • Optionally, identification of the concerned HCP
      • if the HCP is a professional: SSIN,  NIHII number (11 digits), the HCP category, the first and last name
      • if the HCP is an organization: NIHII number (8 digits), the HCP category, the name of the organization
    • Optionally, the list of therapeutic link type
    • Optionally, the time period  [begin date - end date]
    • Optionally, the status of the consulted therapeutic link: active, inactive, all
  • Information about the evidence (Mandatory if the consultation is referral or historic)
    • Type of the proof
    • only if the type of
    the consent (optional)
    • proof is the reading of the eID card with PIN code entering, the binary proof including the encryption method (mandatory) and the binary value (mandatory).


  • Information about the response (response identifier, end-user identifier, data and time of the response, initial request)

  • An acknowledgement about the request completion (status of the completion, errors if exist)Information about the consent (SSIN of the patient, consent type, data of declaration, author of the declaration)
  • A list of the therapeutic links fulfilling the criteria:
    • if the HCP is provided in the request
      • if the HCP is a professional identified by his/her SSIN and his/her category: all the therapeutic links containing the given SSIN - category are returned;
      • if the HCP is a professional identified by his/her NIHII and his/her category: all the therapeutic links containing the given NIHII - category are returned;
      • if the HCP is a professional identified by his/her SSIN, his/her NIHII and his/her category: all therapeutic links containing the given SSIN - NIHII - category category are returned;
      • if the HCP is an organization identified by its NIHII and its category:  all the therapeutic links containing the given NIHII - category are returned.
    • if the HCP is not provided in the request
      • if the proof is not given
        • if the end-user of the request acts as a HC professional: the therapeutic links of the concerned patient and the concerned author are returned;
        • if the end-user of the request acts for an organization: the therapeutic links of the concerned patient and the concerned HC organization of the end-user are returned.
      • if the proof is given
        • if the end-user of the request acts as a HC professional: the therapeutic links of the concerned patient and the concerned end-user, the therapeutic links of the concerned patient and other concerned HCP are returned;
        • if the end-user of the request acts for a HC organization: the therapeutic links of the concerned patient and the concerned organization, the therapeutic links of the concerned patient and other concerned HC parties are returned.
  • If a (list of) therapeutic link type is provided: the therapeutic link(s) matching this (these) type(s) are returned 
  • If a time period is provided: the list of therapeutic links found over this given time period
  • If a status (i.e. ‘active’, ‘inactive’, ‘all’) is provided: the therapeutic link matching the provided status are returned.

Steps (basic flow)


The client sends a GetTherapeuticLink request 

2The IAM connect sends the request to the Therapeutic link WS


The Therapeutic  link WS finds information about the therapeutic link(s) of a patient 

4The Therapeutic  link WS sends a response to the IAM  


The IAM connect receives the response and sends it to the client

6The client receives information about the therapeutic link(s) of the patient

Exceptions (exception flows)

  • Every time the end-user wants to consult the consent therapeutic link(s) of a given patient