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Used Documentation

Therapeutic Link WS Cookbook1.6

General Information

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Management of the Therapeutic Links: 

  • The eHealth consent WA will allow both patients (incl. patient's parents or mandataries) and authorized HC parties to manage the therapeutic links (declaration, revocation and consultation)
  • The authorized HC parties, citizin (incl. concerned patients, parents of patients or patient's mandataries) are also able to perform the same operations throughout their usual software by calling the eHealth therapeutic link WS. 
  • The authorized HC organizations are only authorized to verify the existence of the therapeutic links before allowing the HC parties ti access the medical data of the patients by calling the therapeutic link consultation WS through their application. 

The existence of a therapeutic relation is one of the fundamental prerequisites for the healthcare (HC) providers to access a patient’s medical data. Therefore, the eHealth platform makes available to the actors
involved in the exchange, storage or referencing personal data, a relay service to manage those therapeutic relations and associated means of evidence.

This relay service is obviously limited to kinds of therapeutic links made available at the eHealth platform level by the ‘owner’ of this therapeutic link (such as the HC party declaring a therapeutic link or the actor responsible
of a recognized specific database, e.g. for Global Medical File relation). A therapeutic link is a relation between a patient and a HC party for a certain type of therapeutic
relation over a period of validity depending on the given evidence. It is not possible to update an existing the therapeutic link; to update information you first need to revoke the existing therapeutic link.

However, the period of validity of an active therapeutic link could be extended on the condition that

  • The start date of the new period is greater or equal to the start date of the period to be extended 
  • The end date of the new period is greater than the end date of the period to be extended (overlap of period of validity) 

The following operations (request-response operation type) will support the management of these links:

PutTherapeuticLinkUsed to declare the therapeutic links. Its main purpose is to allow one to
declare a therapeutic link.
RevokeTherapeuticLinkUsed to revoke the therapeutic links. Its main purpose is to allow one to “end”
the (declaration of a) therapeutic link.
GetTherapeuticLinkUsed to consult therapeutic links according to basic search parameters. Its main
purpose is to allow one to check the existence of the therapeutic links when
executing a consultation process
HasTherapeuticLinkUsed to check the existence of a therapeutic link

 The therapeutic links are managed according to the rules corresponding to the type of therapeutic link through: 

  • Specific webservices (WS) by HC professionals as end-users through their usual software or through an authorized organization
  • A dedicated web application (WA), currently called eHealth Consent with following end-users: Patients and HC professionals/ HC professionals within an organization

Declare/PutRevokeConsult (Get)Has
Citizen (patient, parent, mandatary)YesYesYesYes
Authorized HC Parties (HC professionals)YesYesYesYes
Authorized HC organizationsNoNoYesYes


This service is a ‘KMEHR-based’ WS. We thus strongly recommend consulting the documentation related to the KMEHR normative elements. The KMEHR site aims to offer a central point for the documentation of the KMEHR normative elements.

The three following generic elements are, in particular, essentials to build the request and the reply of the therapeutic link WS.

Basic Flow






NamePut Therapeutic Link - Patient - Patient management

Put Therapeutic Link, service used to declare a therapeutic link between a patient and a HC party.

Patient acts as author of the Therapeutic Link.  

  • End-user is concerned patient
  • End-user manages the therapeutic links throughout his usual software


  • Identification end-user: 

      °Patient software information

      °Patient SSIN

  • Identification concerned HC party

       °Professional: SSIN, NIHII (if available), HC party category, first and family name (optional)

       °Organization: NIHII, HC party category, name organization (optional)

  • Identification concerned patient: SSIN, first and family name
  • Type of therapeutic link: patient management
  • Period of validity: 15 months


TriggerThe user wants to put a therapeutic link 
  • The user has an account for the application
  • The user is logged out
  1. The user attempts to access the eHealth WS Therapeutic Link
  2. The user needs to request a SAML Token by using it's e-ID
  3. A request for a SAML Token is sent to the Secure Token Service (STS)
  4. The STS responds with a SAML Token
  5. The user has access to the eHealth WS Therapeutic Link
  6. The user does a request for Put Therapeutic Link
  7. The Put Therapeutic Link Request is sent to the WS Therapeutic Link 


  1. The Therapeutic link is created in eHealth Database
  2. The request is logged
  3. The WS Consent responds with a Therapeutic Link Response


      ° The request is logged 


Post Condition(s)
  • Request is logged
  • The Therapeutic Link is created in eHealth Database
Test Data
End point(s)Therapeutic Link Database
Additional InformationPatient first name and family name may be added for the audit purpose

Exception Flow 1


NamePut Therapeutic Link - Patient - Patient management - A valid therapeutic link of the same type and for the same HC party already exists

Put Therapeutic Link, service used to declare a therapeutic link between a patient and a HC party. Patient acts as author of the Therapeutic Link. A valid therapeutic link of the same type and for the same HC party already exists 

  • End-user is concerned patient
  • End-user manages the therapeutic links throughout his usual software
  • Identification end-user: 

      °Patient software information

      °Patient SSIN

  • Identification concerned HC party

       °Professional: SSIN, NIHII (if available), HC party category, first and family name (optional)

       °Organization: NIHII, HC party category, name organization (optional)

  • Identification concerned patient: SSIN, first and family name
  • Type of therapeutic link: patient management
  • Period of validity: 15 months
  • A valid therapeutic link of the same type and for the same HC party already exists
TriggerThe user wants to put a therapeutic link 
  • The user has an account for the application
  • The user is logged out
  1. The user attempts to access the eHealth WS Therapeutic Link
  2. The user needs to request a SAML Token by using it's e-ID
  3. A request for a SAML Token is sent to the Secure Token Service (STS)
  4. The STS responds with a SAML Token
  5. The user has access to the eHealth WS Therapeutic Link
  6. The user does a request for Put Therapeutic Link
  7. The Put Therapeutic Link Request is sent to the WS Therapeutic Link 
  8. The WS Consent responds with a Therapeutic Link Response: error message
Post Condition(s)Error message
Test Data
End point(s)Therapeutic Link Database

Exception Flow 2


NamePut Therapeutic Link - Patient - Patient management - Sender not allowed to perform the declaration
DescriptionPut Therapeutic Link, service used to declare a therapeutic link between a patient and a HC party. Patient acts as author of the Therapeutic Link. The sender is not allowed to perform the declaration according to the predefined rules e.g. validation on the author (NIHII valid, SSIN valid,...?)


  • End-user is concerned patient
  • End-user manages the therapeutic links throughout his usual software
  • Identification end-user: 

      °Patient software information

      °Patient SSIN

  • Identification concerned HC party

       °Professional: SSIN, NIHII (if available), HC party category, first and family name (optional)

       °Organization: NIHII, HC party category, name organization (optional)

  • Identification concerned patient: SSIN, first and family name
  • Type of therapeutic link: patient management
  • Period of validity: 15 months
  • The sender is not allowed to perform the declaration according to the predefined rules e.g. validation on the author (NIHII valid, SSIN valid,...?)
TriggerThe user wants to put a therapeutic link 
  • The user has an account for the application
  • The user is logged out
  1. The user attempts to access the eHealth WS Therapeutic Link
  2. The user needs to request a SAML Token by using it's e-ID
  3. A request for a SAML Token is sent to the Secure Token Service (STS)
  4. The STS responds with a SAML Token
  5. The user has access to the eHealth WS Therapeutic Link
  6. The user does a request for Put Therapeutic Link
  7. The Put Therapeutic Link Request is sent to the WS Therapeutic Link 
  8. The WS Consent responds with a Therapeutic Link Response: error message
Post Condition(s)Error message
Test Data
End point(s)Therapeutic Link Database