Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


NameOutput suffixExtensionDescriptionRemarks

Validation file



.valThe report of the validation.

The filename contains the number of warnings and errors when the validation fails.


Global scheme PDF

globalscheme.pdfA visualisation of the global scheme in PDF format.-

Daily scheme PDF

dailyscheme-<date>.pdfA visualisation of the daily scheme in PDF format.

This is the scheme of the medication that should be taken today.

Export file

-.expAn export of the contents belonging to transactiontype "Medicationscheme" of the vault.-

Input file

-.inpThe original input file.The filename does not include the number of transactions in the vault.

Gateway scheme PDF

(from 3.4.0 onwards)


A visualisation of the global scheme in PDF format, generated by the gateway.

Only generated in case EVS connects to the Vitalink Gateway.



<date>-<time>_<transactiontype>_<patient>_<actor>_<action>_<input filename>_size-<nr of Diarynote transactions>.<output extension>

Export file.expAn export of the contents belonging to transactiontype "Diarynote" of the vault-
Input file.inpThe original input file.

The filename does not include the number of transactions in the vault.

If for some reason the action fails, an error output file is generated:








(fout)(fout)The root folder. The name and location can be freely chosen. Keep in mind that paths used in scenarios, patient and actor files are possibly impacted by changes to this!



Everything that defines the behaviour of EVS, configured as needed by the user.


(tik)(tik)All the actors that can be used by EVS.


(tik)(tik)Settings of the log4j library. Please refer to for more explanation.


(tik)(tik)All the patients that can be used by EVS. 




(fout)(fout)(fout)The certificates used in the actor configuration files.




The folder were the EVS-exporter will put exported vault contents, see AppendixB:EVSexporter  









(tik)(tik)This folder contains the actions for transactiontype "Medicationscheme"


      \add(tik)(tik)       \export(tik)(tik)      





(tik)(tik)This folder contains the actions for transactiontype "Sumehr"








\dadd(tik)(tik)This folder contains the actions for transactiontype "Diarynote"









(fout)(fout)Can be configured through the log4j settings.





 (fout)    (fout)(fout)   (fout)







Appendix B: EVS-exporter

Besides the interaction provided by dropping files in the input folder, EVS offers as extended functionality the continuous monitoring of the vault contents. This functionality is provided by EVS-exporter.


For EVS-exporter, each filename of transactiontype "Diarynote" exists out of:
<current-date>-<current-time>_<transactiontype>_<version>_<patient>_size-<nr of Diarynote transactions>_<unique code>.<output extension>

current-dateDate of performing the export (from 3.3.0 onwards)
current-timeTime of performing the export (from 3.3.0 onwards)

"Version" from the MS transaction.

In case of an empty medicationscheme, the "version" is derived from the getLatestUpdate method.

PatientName of the patient as defined in the EVS configuration.
Nr of Sumehr transactionsThe amount of Diarynote transactions in the vault.
Unique codeCode making the filename unique in case an export exists already.
Output extensionHard coded, depending on file type.

When the export fails, an error file will be generated, which is the same behaviour as for the folder-triggered export action of EVS.



If a "recorddatetime"-tag already exists in the XML-file and you run EVS with no_tag_and_no_shift, the tag will be removed.

Appendix D: F.A.Q.

Q1: EVS could be started but following error is shown:  
      Caused by: org.imec.ivlab.ehconnector.hub.exception.incurable.InvalidTherapeuticRelationException: Authorization failed: Invalid therapeutic relation for actor with SSIN [83051839468 - 11425214001] on subject with SSIN [83051839468].

A1: Looks like there is a missing therapeutic relation between the actor and the patient, suggestions to resolve this issue:

  • Make sure you run JAVA 8. 
  • duplicate the patient katrien folder in the /exe/interaction/input folder and rename it to your testpatient name (existing person with valid INSZ number aka rijksregisternummer).
  • Log in with itsme or another CSAM tool and give your consent + confirm your therapeutic relation with doctor (arts): in this case 'katrien van gucht' at following website: