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This manual describes EVS v1v2.21.20.



EVS allows a certain actor to perform, for a certain patient, a number of actions.


Any type of files, with any extension, can be dropped. They are considered as "input-files". EVS will, depending on the action folder, parse the files and extract the Kmehrmessage(s).

What is a Kmehrmessage? ← to check

A Kmehrmessage is that part of the file that starts with <kmehrmessage ...> and ends with </kmehrmessage>. One file can contain 0 or more Kmehrmessages. 

EVS will only work with Kmehrmessages of Kmehr-standard ---standard 2012040120120401. In this standard, 1 medicationschemeelement transaction and 0 or more treatmentsuspension transactions were considered as the business data of 1 "data entry".

All other data (among which the metadata) will be generated by the EVS and/or the Vitalink platform. As input the business data as depicted in blue here below will be used:

How is a Kmehrmessage identified?


How is a Kmehrmessage identified?

For some actions, typically removing and updating data entries, the input Kmehrmessage needs to have For some actions, typically removing and updating data entries, the input Kmehrmessage needs to have an identification.

There are 2 ways to identify Kmehrmessages:


In the next example, this REF is "===EVSREF:901===". EVS detects the reserved format  "===EVSREF:<any text>===" and finally uses "<any text>" as unique REF.

As from release 1.1.0 EVS 2 the REF must contain a minimum of 3 characters and can contain up to 20 512 characters, so both ===EVSREF:123=== and ===EVSREF:A123456789B123456789=== are considered valid REFs.


Depending on the folder where the inoutinput-file is dropped, EVS EVS2 will execute an action.

Action "add"


In the example below, 3 Kmehrmessages are dropped to be added to the vault: -------------------- IMAGE TO BE CHANGED

Action "empty"

This action will remove all data entries from the vault. EVS EVS2 will do this action once for each dropped file, without any parsing. 

In the example below, a newly created file will trigger emptying of the vault by removing all existing data entries:vault by removing all existing data entries: ---------------- IMAGE TO BE CHANGED

Action "export"

This action will export the contents of the vault, without any change to the vault itself. EVS  EVS2 will do this action once for each dropped file, without parsing this file.

In the example below, a newly created file will trigger an export of the contents of the vault:

Image Removed

Action "removeID"

This action will remove the data entries identified by the Vitalink ID in the input file from the vault.

Image Removed

Action "removeREF"

This action will remove the data entries identified by the EVS REF in the input file from the vault.

file, without parsing this file.

In the example below, a newly created file will trigger an export of the contents of the vault: ------------------ IMAGE TO BE CHANGED

Image AddedImage Removed

Action "replace"


In the next example, after processing the next 3 input files, the vault contains 2 data entries.  

Image Removed

Action "updateID"

This action will update the data entries identified by the Vitalink ID in the input file.

Image Removed

Action "updateREF"

This action will update the data entries identified by the EVS REF in the input file.

---------------------- IMAGE TO BE CHANGED

Image AddedImage Removed

Action "generateREF" ---- to check

This action will generate an EVS REF for each Kmehrmessage in the input file, and will then replace the contents of the vault by all the Kmehrmessages found in the input file.


This action will update the complete contents of the vault, based on the input file compared with the current contents of the vault. ------------- IMAGE TO BE CHANGED

The next actions will take place:


This paragraph explains how to configure EVSEVS2.

How to add a patient?

Extra patients can be added by creating files in the next folder:


titleRestart EVS

EVS (and EVS-exporter) should be restarted when newly added patients will be used.


How to add an actor? ---- to check

Extra actors can be added by creating files in the next folder:


Example of a parameterisation:

Appendix A: Folder structure EVS 1.x.y ----- to check

This paragraph gives a brief overview of the folder structure after initial installation. It can be used as reference while using and configuring the EVS.
