Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Display visually that the application is working on the Vitalink medication scheme.
    • This can be done, for example, by a progress indicator or an icon indicating that the Vitalink medication scheme is loading.

  • Display visually that the Vitalink medication scheme has been collected.
    • This can be done, for example, by an icon indicating that all data from Vitalink has been retrieved (+ mandatory information: date & time of last download).

  • If it is not possible to obtain data from the Vitalink medication scheme, also visualize it and indicate why there is a problem / what the problem is (in understandable language).

Delivery of medication





zie wireframe AP 3.0


When the pharmacist scans medication, it is shown in the delivery screen of the EMR. It is visually shown whether or not the scanned medication is included in the Vitalink medication scheme (if the patient has a Vitalink medication scheme and the registrations with regard to informed consent and therapeutic relationship are in order).

Prescribed medication is automatically added to the medication scheme (please note, this does not mean an automatic validation of the medication scheme, the validation must be done explicitly by the pharmacist afterwards). The pharmacist can then decide for himself if he/she does not wish to include the medication in the Vitalink medication scheme. The pharmacist can also decide which self-care medication and OTC products are / will not be included in the medication scheme.

  • Show for each scanned medication line whether the medication (or OTC product) is already included in Vitalink.

  • Scanned medication is automatically set to 'record in Vitalink medication scheme'.

  • Provide the option of not including scanned medication in the Vitalink medication scheme.

  • Provide the opportunity to add extra information at any time to the scanned medication that flows to Vitalink.

The pharmacist must be able to switch between the delivery screen and the combined overview of all medication via one click. This is possible via tabs and / or possibly a keyboard shortcut.

In addition to quickly switching between the delivery screen and the Vitalink medication scheme, the pharmacist must also be able to deliver medication quickly. Double work such as entering the posology twice and other repetitive entry of data should be avoided. It is a mandatory guideline to comply with the one-time entry of data.


  • Show by means of an icon or a label whether the medication has already been included in Vitalink or not.
  • The pharmacist must be able to decide for himself whether he/she wants to see the delivery screen when scanning medication. the screen with the Vitalink medication scheme (combined with the active medication from the local EMR).
  • x
  • In order to be able to deliver faster and more efficiently, the possibilities for input of posology and intake moments need to be improved (see Group 1, 2 & 3 below).
    • Provide structured entry fields.
    • Provide pre-filled information where possible. Therefore create, for example, groups of medication:
      • Group 1: Medication with always fixed posology & intake moment & shape.
        • When this medication is selected: give default value for posology, intake moment & form (but make sure that this can be easily adjusted).
      • Group 2: Medication with fixed intake moment & shape.
        • When this medication is selected: give default value for intake moment & shape (but make sure that this can be easily adjusted).
        • Also make sure that the most used posologies are easy to select (eg show 1x / day, 2x / day, 3x / day as radio buttons (selectable via one click), and display the other options via a drop down menu).
      • Group 3: Medication that is always variable.
        • As described above, give the most used posologies, intake moments and shapes in a way that they can be selected with one click (buttons, radio buttons, ...).
        • Provide a 'more' button in which multiple selection options of posology, intake moment, ... are displayed.
      • This remark also applies to indication / pathology.
  • Focus on simple input. If a complex entry is necessary, it is no problem that the pharmacist has to carry out a extra click for this.
  • Simplify working with templates to save frequently used intake moments, ... (for example, provide 2 action buttons: 'Add' vs. 'Add and save as template').
  • Integrate input for delivery, medication scheme and creating labels for the medication. It is not desirable that the pharmacist should enter this 2x or 3x. These may not be separate modules. It must always start from a structured data input.
  • Analyze the information on the delivery screen. Which information is primary? Which information is secondary (and therefore not a problem if the pharmacist has to click to retrieve this information)?
    • By reducing the number of columns in the delivery screen, the Vitalink medication scheme could possibly be integrated in the delivery screen.
      • If this is not possible, a switch by means of a single click between the delivery screen and the Vitalink medication scheme remains a requirement.
      • If this is possible, calling up the Vitalink medication scheme remains a prerequisite (without additional information from the delivery screen).

One combined overview of all active medication
