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These guidelines are based on the experiences that were acquired during the Vitalink pilot project in 2012 and 2013. These guidelines need to be interpreted as functional restrictions or suggestions that need to be
followed by the end users software application.

No use of default values

The use of default or standard values for input fields (both free text fields as selection lists) is strongly discommended. The client application should not fill in any value automatically that is not entered by an end user. It must be possible to modify or delete all data. If deleted, the corresponding field is not included in the kmehr message. For some values, alternatives are defined, see below.

Route of administration (CD-DRUG-ROUTE)

Alternatives to increase the ease of use with a selection list:

  • The addition of a priority list that is displayed at the top of the alphabetically sorted selection list, see M. Visualisation Kmehr Tables
  • The suggestion of a value by the client application (to the end user or auto-completed if it can be unambiguously assigned) with, for example, the most obvious route of administration based on the typical or known route for the selected medication.

Unit of administration (CD-ADMINISTRATION-UNIT)

Alternatives to increase the ease of use with a selection list:

  • The addition of a priority list that is displayed at the top of the alphabetically sorted selection list, see M. Visualisation Kmehr Tables
  • The suggestion of a value by the client application (to the end user or auto-completed if it can be unambiguously assigned) with, for example, the most obvious unit of administration based on the typical or known unit for the selected medication.

Ingestion quantity per ingestion as fraction

To improve the readability a display as fraction instead of a decimal number needs to be provided. The kmehr message will always include the decimal value. If a selection list for the ingestion quantity is provided, this should also contain the values 1.5 (1½) and 2. Furthermore, if wanted by the user, it must be possible to any other value.

Use of (patient-friendly) translations for codes

There is a translation available for the patient for several kmehr text fields (see M. Visualisation Kmehr Tables). The “translation for the patient” may only be used in the print of the “overview scheme”.

  • During input the extensive possibilities for choice must be retained (possibly supplemented with a readable form). 
  • The visualisation for the caretaker should beside the specific code also be accompanied by a readable form.

Specifically with the use of the “CD-DRUG-ROUTE” code table it is compulsory to display the codes during input so that a specific selection can be made by the caretaker.

User friendly procedure to add <instructionforpatient>

A method of preparation, instructions for use or an ingestion explanation need to be included as comment/explanation for the patient via “<instructionforpatient>”. The end users software application must allow these explanations to be added in a user friendly
manner. This can be done by providing a selection list with frequently used explanations. However, it must be possible for the end user to add to and/or modify this.

The next example list  can serve as a basis. The priority column indicates if the value is frequently used and need to be put at the top of a dropdown list or not frequently used and put at the bottom.






Inslikken en doorspoelen met een half glas water

Ingest and swallow with half a glass of water


Inslikken zonder kauwen

Swallow without chewing





Onder de tong

Under the tongue


Oplossen in water en opdrinken

Dissolve in water and drink


Oplossen in fruitsap en opdrinken

Dissolve in fruit juice and drink


Schudden voor gebruik

Shake before use


Koel bewaren

Store in a cool place


Mondhygiëne na gebruik

Oral hygiene after use


Voorzetkamer gebruiken bij inhalator

Use spacer devices with inhalator


Na toediening 15 min rustig blijven liggen

After administering remain lying down for 15 minutes


Niet gaan liggen na inname

Do not lie down after ingestion


Na inname 1 uur nuchter blijven

After ingestion do not eat for 1 hour


Niet breken/delen/pletten

Do not break/split/crush


Enkel splijten met splitapparaat

Only split with a splitting device


Snel, krachtig en diep inhaleren

Inhale quickly, deeply and forcefully


Gelijktijdig inademen en afdrukken

Simultaneously inhale and activate





In een dunne laag aanbrengen

Apply in a thin layer


In een dikke laag aanbrengen

Apply in a thick layer


Niet op beschadigde of geïrriteerde huid

Not on damaged or irritated skin


Huid vooraf niet wassen met zeep

Do not wash the skin beforehand with soap


Beschermlaag pleister verwijderen

Remove protective layer of plaster


Zakje pleister bewaren en na verwijderen van pleister, toegeplooid in zakje doen en naar apotheek brengen

Save the plaster bag and after removing the plaster, place it folded up in the bag and bring to the pharmacy


Niet doorknippen

Do not cut through


Strikte regeling noodzakelijk. Opgelet voor bloeduitstortingen

Strict regulation necessary. Watch for bruising


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