
This page contains the Kmehrmessages for validating the visual feedback on the print after an empty scheme has been uploaded.

Instructions for EVS use

There are 2 files used for this test. The test itself will explain which file has to be used with which EVS action.

The EVS parameter writeAsIs must be set to false.


After uploading a file, the results can be verified in the SUT.

Behaviour with empty medicationscheme


 This EVS export file (EVS) contains a medicationscheme with 5 medications.

This export file should be uploaded using the EVS action REPLACE and your own test patient.

Expected Results(Preparation)

  • TS-1: There is a medicationscheme with 5 medications present in the UI.


This file is an empty textfile that will be used to trigger an EVS action.

This file should be uploaded using the EVS action REPLACE and the same test patient as used in the 'Preparation' step.

Expected Results(Execution)

  • TS-2: The 5 medications from the 'Preparation' step are no longer present in the UI.
  • TS-3: If the SUT allows for a print of an empty medicationscheme to be created, this print should show only the header information and no medications.
  • No labels