
This page contains the Kmehrmessages for testing the calculation of an endmoment, see concept M. Ending a medication treatment. The "implicit by calculation of last day to be taken" as mentioned on M. Ending a medication treatment is out of scope.


Only CD-TIMEUNIT values "a", "mo", "wk" and "d" are considered to be allowed within Vitalink. Therefore other CD-TIMEUNIT values are out of scope for the test

Instructions for EVS use

IMPORTANT: This test can be performed using both the original EVSc and the new version: EVS

This test contains export files for both versions.

This EVS export file (EVSc) and this EVS export file (EVS) contains all MSE transactions used for the test.

Before starting the test, this export file should be uploaded using the EVS-action REPLACE and your own test patient.

The EVS parameter writeAsIs must be set to false.

S06R10: The calculated endmoment

Every medication scheme element in the EVS export file has a duration specified.

Whenever the endmoment is displayed in the SUT, the endmoment is expected to be calculated based on the beginmoment of the medication and the duration. A typical location would be the caretaker print or the patient print.

For every EVSREF in the table below, make sure that the correct endmoment value is calculated as shown in column "expected calculated endmoment". If the duration is displayed too, make sure that the correct duration is displayed as shown in column "expected duration"

Expected results

EVSREFmse beginmomentexpected durationexpected calculated endmoment
10031/01/20301 jaar30/01/2031
10131/01/20303 jaar30/01/2033
10231/01/20301 maand27/02/2030
10327/02/20301 maand26/03/2030
10431/01/20303 maanden29/04/2030
10531/01/20301 week06/02/2030
10631/01/203010 weken10/04/2030
10731/01/20301 dag31/01/2030
10831/01/2030100 dagen10/05/2030


1 dag29/02/2032
11025/02/20321 maand24/03/2032
11131/01/2032100 dagen09/05/2032
11201/02/20321 maand29/02/2032
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