This page contains the Kmehrmessages for testing the behaviour of the SUT when multiple actors are altering the same medicationscheme.
Instructions for EVS use:
IMPORTANT: This test has to be performed using the new version of EVSc: EVS
Each test will contain a file that has to be uploaded using EVS-action REPLACE.
The EVS parameter writeAsIs must be set to false.
After reading the medication scheme, the test can be executed and verified in the SUT.
A medicationscheme will be altered using an actor without syncing to Vitalink, while another actor will alter the same medicationscheme and then sync to Vitalink. The first actor will then also sync to Vitalink.
Before starting the test, make sure 2 actors and 1 patient are available for use. For this test they will be referred to as ACTOR_A, ACTOR_B and PATIENT_A.
S13W10: Collision altering different medication
- Upload this EVS export file using the EVS-action REPLACE with PATIENT_A.
- Open the SUT and, using ACTOR_A, change the begindate of EVSREF100 to '01/04/2030'.
- Open another instance of the SUT and, using ACTOR_B, change the frequency of EVSREF101 to monthly. Then sync to Vitalink.
- Using ACTOR_A, try to sync to Vitalink.
Expected results
- TS-1: ACTOR_B was able to sync succesfully.
- TS-2: ACTOR_A is given a message that the Vitalink medicationscheme has been altered and a decision has to be made about which changes to keep.
S13W15: Collision altering same medication same field
- Upload this EVS export file using the EVS-action REPLACE with PATIENT_A.
- Open the SUT and, using ACTOR_A, change the enddate of EVSREF102 to '31/12/2030'.
- Open another instance of the SUT and, using ACTOR_B, change the enddate of EVSREF102 to '01/06/2031'. Then sync to Vitalink.
- Using ACTOR_A, try to sync to Vitalink.
Expected results
- TS-1: ACTOR_B was able to sync succesfully.
- TS-2: ACTOR_A is given a message that the Vitalink medicationscheme has been altered and a decision has to be made about which changes to keep.
S13W20: Collision altering same medication different field
- Upload this EVS export file using the EVS-action REPLACE with PATIENT_A.
- Open the SUT and, using ACTOR_A, change the begindate of EVSREF103 to '01/04/2030'.
- Open another instance of the SUT and, using ACTOR_B, change the dayperiod of EVSREF103 to 'during breakfast'. Then sync to Vitalink.
- Using ACTOR_A, try to sync to Vitalink.
Expected results
- TS-1: ACTOR_B was able to sync succesfully.
- TS-2: ACTOR_A is given a message that the Vitalink medicationscheme has been altered and a decision has to be made about which changes to keep.
S13W25: Collision adding medication
- Upload this EVS export file using the EVS-action REPLACE with PATIENT_A.
- Open the SUT and, using ACTOR_A, change the begindate of EVSREF104 to '01/04/2030'.
- Open another instance of the SUT and, using ACTOR_B, add a new medication and give it EVSREF107. Then sync to Vitalink.
- Using ACTOR_A, try to sync to Vitalink.
Expected results
- TS-1: ACTOR_B was able to sync succesfully.
- TS-2: ACTOR_A is given a message that the Vitalink medicationscheme has been altered and a decision has to be made about which changes to keep.
S13W30: Collision removing medication
- Upload this EVS export file using the EVS-action REPLACE with PATIENT_A.
- Open the SUT and, using ACTOR_A, change the begindate of EVSREF105 to '01/04/2030'.
- Open another instance of the SUT and, using ACTOR_B, remove EVSREF106. Then sync to Vitalink.
- Using ACTOR_A, try to sync to Vitalink.
Expected results
- TS-1: ACTOR_B was able to sync succesfully.
- TS-2: ACTOR_A is given a message that the Vitalink medicationscheme has been altered and a decision has to be made about which changes to keep.