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It is advised to read the eHealthBoxconsent, therapeutic link or therapeutic exclusion  user manual first to gain a better understanding of the framework.

Table of Contents


This manual is meant for everyone that works on the development of the SOAP testing framework.

Target audience

  • Developers of the eHealth SOAP services

Project tree

Code Block
    │   ├───java
    │   └───resources
    │       └───config
    │           └───P12
    │               └───acc
        │   └───be
        │       └───imec
        │           └───hie
        │               ├───features
        │               │   ├───consent
        │               │   ├───ehealthbox
        │               │   ├───therapeuticExclusion
        │               │   └───therapeuticLink
        │               ├───runners
        │               ├───steps
        │               │   ├───consent
        │               │   ├───ehealthbox
        │               │   ├───therapeuticExclusion
        │               │   └───therapeuticLink
        │               └───utils
        │                   ├───consent
        │                   ├───ehealthbox
        │                   ├───therapeuticExclusion
        │                   └───therapeuticLink



The chromedriver,  found at src/test/resources/chromedriver.exe, has to be updated occasionally
to keep it up-to-date with the most recent version of Chrome.

The most recent version of chromedriver can be found here.

Simply replace Replace to chromedriver in the project with the new one from the link above.



Create a




Create a new


feature file, with a name


fitting for the new feature, in the package of an existing service (e.g. features/ehealthbox).


Write the feature you want to test in the newly created file. You can create one or more scenarios for this new feature. See the example below:

Code Block
titleExample *.feature file
Feature: TS-407: eHealthBox info
  As a user
  I want to know my eHealthBox info
  In order to know how many messages are in standby

  Scenario: Verify the eHealthBox info
    Given user is logged in
    When user is on the box info page
    Then the box info is shown correctly


For example:

Image Added

Edit a feature

A very good explanation of everything you can do with a feature file can be found here.


Create a step file

You can write a new step in one of the existing step files or you can create a new java class for it in the steps package. For example:

Image Added

Create a step definition

A very good explanation of how step definitions work can be found here.

Some useful tips to work with step definitions can be found here.


The utilities are java classes that are used to make writing the step definitions easier, used for test validation, etc...

Create a utility

Create a new java class, with a name fitting for the new utility, in the package of an existing service (e.g.




For example:

Image Added

Edit a utility

You can write utilities for anything you want in these files.

An example of how the validation of the tests works can be found in, for example, utils/ehealthbox/


How to add a new service

First of all, you have to create new packages for your new service:

  • Create a new package in the feature package (e.g. features/newservice)
  • Create a new package in the steps package (e.g. steps/newservice)
  • Create a new package in the utils package (e.g. utils/newservice)

When that is done, you can follow these steps in the following order:

  1. Create a new feature file
  2. Edit your new feature file
  3. Create a new step file
  4. Create empty step definitions
  5. Create a new utility
  6. Write validation code for your new utility
Code Block
titleExample step function
@Given("user is logged in")
    public void user_is_logged_in() {
        //Instructions for the software vendor: Please write the UI support code here.


How to add a new service

to do


Create a feature

SImply create a new *.feature file, with a name fitting for the new feature, in the package of an existing service (e.g. features/ehealthbox). For example:

Image Removed

Edit a feature

A very good explanation of everything you can do with a feature file can be found on this Gherkin reference.


Create a step

Edit a step


Create a utility

Edit a utility
